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             来源:圣戈班穆松桥中国 阅读:2803 更新时间:2008-05-20 18:16

Saint-Gobain is helping the Earthquake disaster victims 

On Monday, May 12th at 14h28, the strongest earthquake in 32 years measuring 8 on the Richter scjolted Wenchuan County in Southwest China’s Sichuan province. This earthquake brought massdestruction of lives, demolished homes, infrastructure and schools, and caused serious injuries. 

As a corporate citizen in China, Saint-Gobain (China) Investment Co. Ltd is teaming with the Chinegovernment for disaster relief work to help the quake-hit victims to quickly rebuild their lives and hopThe company has decided to make a corporate donation of RMB 1 million joining the efforts of otFrench corporations through the French Chamber of Industry and Commerce in China. 

In addition to the corporate donation, employee donation activity from our 12,000 employees has bestaged  in  our  50  Saint-Gobain  companies  across  China,  among  them  one  company  locates Guanghan close to one of the worst hit cities - Deyang. This donation will be matched by an eqamount by our companies. Direct help has also been given to our Sichuan employees whose famhas been affected. 

Being a world leader in the field of construction markets, active in construction products, glass, pipbuilding distribution and high performance materials, we are ready to participate in reconstructiprojects of the quake-hit cities through donating building products in due time.

We express our condolence to the victims and sincerely hope that our contribution and care would hthe residents to resume normal lives and rebuild futures.  

        5 月 12 日, 星期一, 14 点 28 分, 在中国西南的四川省汶川县发生了 32 年以来最严重的里氏八级震. 这次大地震夺去了几万人的生命, 大批房屋, 基础设施和学校被毁, 几十万人受伤。 

        作为中国的企业公民, 圣戈班(中国)投资有限公司与中国政府共同援助灾区人民, 帮助他们尽快建生活和希望。公司决定通过中国法国工商会为灾区捐款一百万元人民币。 

        除公司捐款外, 圣戈班集团在华50多家企业和分公司的12000名员工也自发地组织了为灾区捐款动。其中一家公司位于广汉, 紧邻地震重灾区德阳。公司将再次捐赠与员工捐款总额等额的款项,而于四川灾区的受灾员工也得到了直接的帮助。 

        作为世界建筑领域的领先者, 我们的业务广泛涉及建筑产品, 玻璃, 管道, 建材分销和高功能材我们随时准备通过捐赠建筑材料参与到灾区的重建工作中。    我们向死难者表示沉痛的哀悼, 真诚希望我们的微薄之力和发自内心的关注可以帮助活着的人早恢复正常生活, 重建美好未来。

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