更新时间:2014-07-16 11:08
中文摘要 |
利用HYSPLIT4.8轨迹模式和2011年6月~2012年5月NCEP气象再分析资料计算每日抵达华东森林及高山背景区域的后向气流轨迹并进行聚类,探讨该区域的大气污染物传输特征. 同时结合国家大气背景监测福建武夷山站同期大气污染物监测数据,进一步分析不同气团的污染特征及高污染气团的主要来源. 结果表明,有65%的轨迹输送污染气块,主要来自我国东部高污染负荷区、 江西省以及西北部沙漠地区的高空,有35%的海洋性气团对站点污染物起清除作用,且各气团在各季节对污染物浓度的贡献有一定差异;SO2较高浓度主要受北方城市冬季采暖期燃煤影响,CO较高浓度主要受安徽省煤炭生产和消费过程中的污染物排放影响,NOx、 O3、 PM10和PM2.5较高浓度主要受我国东部高污染负荷区影响. |
英文摘要 |
Transport characteristics of air pollutants transported to the background atmosphere of East China were investigated using HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) 4.8 model driven by NCEP reanalysis data during June 2011 to May 2012. Based on the air pollutants monitoring data collected at the National atmospheric background monitoring station (Wuyishan station) in Fujian Province, characteristics of different clustered air masses as well as the origins of highly polluted air masses were further examined. The results showed that 65% of all the trajectories, in which air masses mainly passed over highly polluted area of East China, Jiangxi province and upper air in desert areas of Northwest China, carried polluted air to the station, while the rest of trajectories (35%) with air masses originated from ocean could effectively remove air pollutants at the Wuyishan station. However, the impact on the air pollutants for each air mass group varied with seasons. Elevated SO2 concentrations observed at the background station were mainly influenced by coal burning activities in Northern China during heating season. The high CO concentrations were likely associated with the pollutants emission in the process of coal production and consumption in Anhui province. The elevated NOx, O3, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were mostly impacted by East China with high levels of air pollutants. |

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