

关注度:894 活跃度:4 谷腾指数:983


东莞市华厦水处理设备有限公司,于2002年成立,是一家集水处理全套系统工程的设计、制作、安装、调试、售后服务及水处理设备和配件的研制、生产、销售于一体的专业化公司。现已跃升为东莞甚至珠三角地区水处理行业首屈一指的解决方案之供应商。自2002年发布第一套水处理解决方案以来,以其独创性的科技及服务,华厦已为珠三角100多家企业提供了各种的解决方案。 本公司引进和采用当今世界最先进的水处理技术,可为广大的电厂、电子、冶金、化工、食品、饮料、酒店、电镀、制药、洗涤、医疗、等行业提供最优化的配置和高质量的水处理成套设备及其相关的零部件、全部耗材。

本公司拥有一批在本行业资深的专业技术人员。可以根据不同行业客户的需求,设计各种不同类型水处理系统和完成相关系统的安装、调试工作。而且我公司本着为客户着想的原则,提供给广大客户高质量和最高性价比的系统设备及最佳服务。 本公司自成立以来,已为多种行业的许多客户,设计和安装了多种类型的规格的设备并提供了完善的售后服务。并且根据很多客户的需要,为他们原有的水处理系统进行升级改造及维护。从而保证了他们的水处理系统始终处于最佳的运行状态和节约了运行成本,赢得广大客户赞誉和信赖。

Huaxia water treatment& engineering co.,ltd .Founded in 2002 as Huaxia,is professional technique company about water treatment system. Including design,creation,installation,testing,spare parts supply and sale service.Huaxia Co., Ltd is a leading water treatment provider. Since its first water treatment was released in 2002, Huaxia has delivered innova-tive technology solutions to more than 100 corporate customers. Our company adopts the advanced technique of water treatment in the present world. Nowwe have successfully provided the high quality water equipments andspare parts to all kinds of professions. Such as below industry:electricity,metal,chemical,food,beverage,hotel,ele-ctroplate,medicine,washing,medical and electronics etc.Our company have many senior profession techncans and enginee rs in water treatment industry. They have capability design,installation and testing high quality water treatment system according customers requirements. From existence,our company already made many high quality water treatment system for many customers.And improve or innovate old system for many customers. Now our company already designed all kinds spec ad high quality water treatment equip-ments.And supply the best service. All these equipment can saving cost for customers.And we have won deeply reliance from customers.

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