

关注度:6104 活跃度:47 谷腾指数:6241


北京康纳森仪表技术有限公司是一家专注于自动化领域的仪器仪表服务商。“海纳天下·智汇九州”,不断引进消化国际先进工控技术,服务于中国自动化领域,是我们的一贯追求。公司成立以来,逐步成为世界著名仪器仪表生产厂家——美国UEFLOWLINEMONITORHI-TOUCHGPIROYCE,德国FLEXIMSIKAWEBER,欧洲NIVELCOISOIL等品牌的驻中国办事处或顶级授权代理商,致力于为用户提供压力、物位、流量、分析仪表,应用于石油、化工、电力、冶金、环  保、航天、水利、机电、科研等诸多领域的现场服务和支持。




   Beijing Conasen Tech. Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is a Chinese leading distributor, wholly for international manufacturers, dedicated to providing Chinese customers with world famous and technically advanced products and mainly solutions for fluid and solid level and flow control applications, like tank inventory monitoring, automation and safety controls, in most manufacturing industries such as water, chemical, wastewater, petroleum, power, cement, electronic, metal finishing, paper, textile, agriculture, semiconductor, pharmaceutical and environmental.
   Our products line includes level transmitter, level switch, pressure transmitter, pressure switch, temperature transmitter, temperature switch, electromagnetic flowmeter and water analysis instrument, etc. We are authorized as China 's distributors of Flowline Inc., Monitor Technologies LLC., Nivelco Process Control Company, United Electric Controls ,Isoil Industria and Royce Technologies.

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