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上海康特环保科技发展有限公司是依托美国“CONT”环境科技公司技术,专业从事工业臭氧发生器、空气净化设备、水处理设备、手消毒器、干手机等环保产品的研发、生产和应用的科技企业。公司采用国际上先进的臭氧应用技术,建立科学的设计系统,坚持技术与服务的创新思路,努力增强企业的核心竞争力,精心为食品加工、制药、化妆品等诸多行业,在生产过程中的空气净化灭菌、物体表面灭菌、水处理和卫生预防与治理提供全面系统的解决方案及优良设备。 公司已先后为广东喜之郎食品集团公司、上海福喜食品有限公司(麦当劳)、完达山乳品有限公司、福建达利食品集团有限公司、上海汇源食品饮料有限公司等企业提供了系统的环境卫生解决方案和产品,得到了客户的充分认可。康特公司将以不断改善客户生产环境质量订立为企业追求的目标,坚持不懈地进行相关技术开发与研究,为客户提供最优质的服务和产品。 Shanghai Cont Environment Protection Technology Company depending on “CONT” technology of USA is engaged in developing, producing and using environment protection products such as industrial Ozone generator, air purified and disinfected equipment, water treatment equipment, automatic disinfecting hand etc. We use advanced international 0zone technology ,create scientific design system, insist in mew idea of technology and service ,promote competition agility and provide solutions and super quality equipment to various professions like food, medicine and cosmetics etc in the process of air-cleaning, germ-killing, water-cleaning and health-keeping etc. we have served Xi zhilang Group of Guangdong, Shanghai Fusi Food Co. Ltd, Wondersun Dairy Co.,Ltd, Long Fong Foods Co.,Ltd, Shanghai Huiyuan Beverage & Food Co., Ltd etc and gained confirmation of lots of clients. Cont will consider improving quality of manufacture as the aim and develop and technology in long-term to provide best services and products to customers

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