

关注度:360 活跃度:1 谷腾指数:451


本公司是集设计制造为一体的总承包(资质)企业,专业从事系列定型和非定型环保处理产品的开发生产,产品涵盖工业废物、纯水、污水、净水和循环水20多个系列,280多个产品,同时拥有多个国家发明专利,特别是在工业废弃物焚烧处理设备行业技术力量相当雄厚。 主营业务:环境污染防治设备、给排水管道、玻璃钢制品、不锈钢酸洗流水线处理成套设备的制造;销售本公司产品: 环保工程的设计、制造、安装、调试;环保工程专业承包业务;工业用水制造,污水处理. The company is set for the design and manufacture of integrated general contractor (Qualification) enterprises, professional stereotypes in the series dealing with environmental protection and non-stereotypical product development, production, product covers industrial waste water, sewage, water purification and recycling of water over 20 series , over 280 products, in addition to many countries patents for inventions, particularly in the treatment of industrial waste incineration equipment industry a strong technical force.

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