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德国独资世保康水务(南京)有限公司位于南京东郊汤山工业集中区。公司基于多年水处理产品设备制造和自动控制领域的成功经验,博采全球众家之长,利用长期在水处理行业之经验,全套引进德国模具、工艺,采用进口原料,推出了适应中国市场质优价廉的推入式快速接头系统。目前引进的款型为第五代改良型(祥见内页)更加适应客户的要求。 SBOK Water System (Nanjing) Ltd. is located in Nanjing, east of China, to the TangShan industrial clusters. Based on years of successful R&D and manufacturing product experience in the field of water treatment equipment, introduced full German Die, technology, using imported raw materials and adapted to Chinese domestic market, providing a high performance, affordable Quick Pipe Connection System. The current model is the improved 5th generation (see detailed inside page), more responsive to customer needs.

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